Cancers treated

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    There are many forms of treatment, with different side effects and overall effectiveness which may significantly affect the quality of your life during and after treatment. When radiation is indicated, proton therapy can be an effective treatment with fewer side effects.

    Proton therapy uses millimetre accuracy to pinpoint the tumour and cancer cells at half the speed of light. This carries more radiation to the cancer cells to destroy them quickly whilst releasing less radiation to the surrounding healthy tissue. Based on worldwide experience and long-term results in treated patients, it is clear that patients after proton treatment have a higher quality of life compared to those who have undergone conventional (photon) radiotherapy.

    General Information


    Diagnoses we don’t treat in Prague

    At the Proton Therapy Center in Prague we do not treat the following diagnoses. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

    Contact us

    Contact us today and our team will get back to you with a detailed response to your needs as soon as possible.

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