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    Overview of Published Work and Relevant Studies of PTC Experts

    1. Shbib Dabaja, B., Hoppe, B., Plastaras, J., Newhauser, W., Rosolova, K., Flamour, S., Mohan, R., Mikhaeel, G., Kirova, Y., Specht, L., Yahalom, J. (2018). Proton therapy for adults with mediastinal lymphomas: the international lymphoma radiation oncology group (ilrog) guidelines. Blood. Retrieved from
    Summary: The deciding factor in the choice of treatment modality for Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients with mediastinal tumors depends on if the dose of excess radiation to organs at risk (OAR) can be minimized. Proton therapy may help to reduce the radiation dose to the OARs and reduce toxicities, especially the risk of cardiac morbidity and secondary cancers.

    2. Ntentas, G., Dědečková K., Andrilik, M., Aznar, M.C., George, B., Darby, S.C., Cutter, D. (2017). Predicted cardiac and second cancer risks in hodgkin lymphoma patients treated with advanced proton beam therapy compared to photon radiation therapy. S181 ASTRO Annual Metting. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 99(2). doi:
    Summary: A comparison between proton radiotherapy and photon radiotherapy in the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma patients using deep inspiration breath hold. Proton therapy using pencil beam scanning was found to reduce the risk of future cardiovascular diseases and secondary cancers when compared to 3D-CRT and PartArc RT.

    3. Dedeckova, K., Stokucova J., Mocikova, H., Markova, J., Gaherova, L., Kantorova, I., Ondrova, B., Vondracek, V., Vitek, P., Kubes, J. (2016). Pencil beam scanning proton therapy for lymphoma patients with mediastinal involvement: Prague´s single institution experience. PTCOG Conference. Retrieved from
    Summary: Proton radiotherapy using pencil beam scanning in deep inspiration breath hold offers a promising and safe possibility for patients who are indicated for mediastinal radiotherapy.

    4. Dedeckova K., Markova J., Gaherova, L., Kantorova, I., Ondrova, B., Vondracek, V., Vitek, P., Kubes, J. (2016). Proton radiotherapy for mediastinal Hodgkin lymphoma: single institution experience. 10th International Symposium on Hodgkin Lymphoma. Retrieved from
    Summary: The treatment of mediastinal Hodgkin lymphoma using proton radiotherapy results in low acute toxicity and a potential to decrease the risk of significant late toxicity.

    5. Kubeš, J., Dědečková, K., Kohlová, T., Vitek, P., Vondráček, V., Ondrová, B. (2015). Protonová chemoradioterapie technikou pencil beam scanning v léčbě nádorů hlavy a krku s nutností ozařování bilaterálních krčních uzlin (Proton chemoradiotherapy with pencil beam scanning in the treatment of head and neck tumors with the need for irradiation of bilateral cervical nodes). 2015 XXXIX. Brněnské onkologické dny a XXIX. Konference pro nelékařské zdravotnické pracovníky (2015 XXXIX. Brno Oncology Days and XXIXth Conference for non-medical healthcare professionals). Retrieved from
    Summary: Proton Radiotherapy for head and neck tumors using Pencil Beam Scanning allows for excellent dose coverage for large, complex target volumes while minimizing the dose to nearby organs.

    6. Dedeckova, K., Mocikova, H., Markova, J., Gaherova, L., Koren, J., Backova, B., Vondracek, V., Sindelar, D., Kohlova, T., Ondrova, B., Kantorova, I., Vitek, P., Pytlik, R., Kubes, J. (2015). Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy for Lymphoma Patients with Mediastinal Involvement: A Dosimetric Study and Preliminary Clinical Data. Hematological Oncology, 33, 191. Retrieved from
    Summary: When compared to standard photon radiotherapy, proton radiotherapy using pencil beam scanning for mediastinal lymphoma patients significantly reduces the dose of radiation to nearby organs.

    7. Ondrová, B., Vinakurau, S., Kubeš, J., Dědečková, K., Kohlová, T., Sepeši, B., Vitek, P. (2014). Protonová radioterapie chordomů a chondrosarkomů – proveditelnost, akutní toxicita a časné výsledky: zkušenosti PTC Praha (Proton radiotherapy of chordomas and chondrosarcomas – feasibility, acute toxicity and early results: PTC Prague experience). 2014 XXXVIII. Brněnské Onkologické Dny a XXVIII. konference pro nelékařské zdravotnické pracovníky (2014 XXXVIII. Brno Oncological Days and XXVIII. conferences for non-medical healthcare professionals). Retrieved from
    Summary: Intensity-modulated proton therapy is a safe technique for chordoma and chondrosarcoma patients due to its low acute toxicity.

    8. Vitek, P., Kubeš, J., Vinakurau, S., Ondrová, B., Dědečková, K. (2014). Protonová radioterapie nádorů pankreatu, regionální lymfatika a “setrvalá beznaděj“? (Proton radiotherapy of pancreatic tumors, regional lymphatics and “persistent hopelessness”?). 2014 XXXVIII. Brněnské Onkologické Dny a XXVIII. konference pro nelékařské zdravotnické pracovníky (2014 XXXVIII. Brno Oncological Days and XXVIII. conferences for non-medical healthcare professionals). Retrieved from
    Summary: The use of proton radiotherapy to treat pancreatic cancer is well tolerated and highly efficient due to its great dosimetric parameters.

    9. Kubeš, J., Vítek, P., Dědečková, K., Ondrová, B. (2014). Velmi pozdní následky radioterapie – limitující faktor současných radioterapeutických Technik (Very late side effects of radiotherapy – limiting factor of current radiotherapeutic techniques). Klinicka onkologie Journal, 27(3), 161-165. doi: 10.14735/amko2014161
    Summary: The risk of developing very late side effects from radiotherapy must be considered in all young patients who are exposed to radiation. This paper summarizes the most common very late side effects of radiotherapy, including cardiotoxicity, CNS toxicity, pneumotoxicity, renal toxicity and secondary malignancies.

    10. Dědečková K, Móciková H, Belada D, Janíková A, Dolečková M, Malinová B, Feltl D, Vošmik M, Svoboda T, Marková J, Trněný M. (2013). The role of radiotherapy in the treatment of malignant lymphomas – recommendations of the Czech Lymphoma Study Group. Klinicka onkologie Journal, 26(2), 99-109. Retrieved from PubMed PMID: 23718668
    Summary: This paper is regarding the consensus between hematologist-oncologists and radiation oncologists defining the role of radiotherapy in lymphoma treatment and specific recommendations on total doses of radiotherapy in lymphoma treatment.

    11. Dědečková, K., Móciková, H., Belada, D., Obořilová-Janíková, A., Dolečková, M., Malinová, B., Feltl, D., Vošmik, M., Svoboda, T., Marková, J., Trněný, M.(2013). Postavení radioterapie v léčbě maligních lymfomů – doporučení Kooperativní lymfomové skupiny (The Position of radiotherapy in the treatment of malignant lymphomas – recommendations of the cooperative lymphoma group). Klinicka onkologie Journal, 26(2), 99-109. doi: 10.14735/amko201399
    Summary: An overview of indications for radiotherapy in malignant lymphomas, including recommended total doses for RT.

    12. Marková J., Kahraman D., Kobe C., Skopalová M., Móciková H., Klásková K., Dědečková, K., Eich H.T., Böll B., Dietlein M., Kozák T. (2012). Role of (18F)-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography in early and late therapy assessment of patients with advanced Hodgkin lymphoma treated with bleomycin, etoposide, Adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine and prednisone. Leukemia & Lymphoma, 53(1), 64-70. doi: 10.3109/10428194.2011.603444
    Summary: A study aimed at defining the prognostic value of positron emission tomography in the assessment of early therapy response after the end of treatment for advanced Hodgkin lymphoma. The study concluded that an interim PET after four cycles of chemotherapy is a strong prognostic marker for progression-free survival in advanced Hodgkin lymphoma patients.

    13. Chocenská, E., Móciková, H., Dědečková K. (2010). Průvodce pacienta onkologickou léčbou (Patient’s Guide to Cancer Treatment). Retrieved from
    Summary: A guide that provides information about different types of cancer, the problems caused by tumors, the possibilities of treatment, and the complications associated with this treatment.

    14. Marková J., Kobe C., Skopalová M., Klásková K., Dědečková K., Plütschow A., Eich H.T., Dietlein M., Engert A., Kozák T. (2009). FDG-PET for assessment of early treatment response after four cycles of chemotherapy in patients with advanced-stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma has a high negative predictive value. Annals of Oncology, (20)7. 1270-4. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdn768
    Summary: Examination of the prognostic value of positron emission tomography after four cycles of combination therapy in advanced-stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients.

    15. Marková, J., Kobe C., Skopalová, M., Žikavská, L., Vernerová, Z., Klásková, K., Dědečková, K., Eich, H.T., Dietlein, M., Fuchs, M., Engert, A., Kozák, T. (2009). Early and late response assessment with fdg-pet after beacopp-based chemotherapy in advanced-stage Hodgkin lymphoma patients has a high negative predictive value. Haematologica, 94(2). Retrieved from
    Summary: Positron emission tomography (PET) is a powerful prognostic factor in the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma. The study analyses the prognostic values of PET for early and late response to BEACOPP-based chemotherapy in patients who are diagnosed with advanced-stage HL.

    16. Kubeš, J., Betlachová, L., Dědečková, K. (2008). Radioterapie v léčbě karcinomu prsu (Radiotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer). 2008 16. onkologicko-urologické sympozium a 12. mammologické symposium (2008 16th Cancer and Urology Symposium and 12th Mammological Symposium). Retrieved from
    Summary: Radiotherapy is essential in the treatment of breast cancer, however, radiation exposure to nearby critical organs, especially the lungs and heart, can lead to late cardiovascular and pulmonary morbidity. This abstract discusses radiotherapy indications at the Institute of Radiation Oncology at University Hospital Bulovka.

    17. Dědečková, K., Betlachová, L., Kubeš, J. (2006). Indikace postmastektomické lokoregionální radioterapie v léčbě karcinomu prsu u pacientek s 1 až 3 pozitivními axilárními lymfatickými uzlinami (Indication of postmastectomy locoregional radiotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer in patients with 1 to 3 positive axillary lymph nodes). 2006 11. ročník odborného sympózia na téma Onkologie v gynekologii a mammologii (2006 11th year of the symposium on Oncology in gynecology and mammology). Retrieved from
    Summary: A summary of three randomized trials evaluating the need for postmastectomy radiotherapy to reduce the risk of locoregional failure.

    18. Kubeš, J., Dědečková, K., Pála, M. (2005). Technika concomitant boost v léčbě nádorů ORL oblasti – biologické odůvodnění a vlastní zkušenosti (Concomitant boost technique in the treatment of ENT tumors – biological rationale and our own experience). 2005 2. ročník semináře o brachyterapii a technice IMRT (2005 2nd year seminar on brachytherapy and IMRT technique). Retrieved from
    Summary: Two techniques can improve the effectiveness of radiotherapy for locally advanced head and neck cancers, applying concomitant chemotherapy, known as concomitant boost (CB), and the use of alternative fractionation modes. For suitable patients, CB has shown to be feasible with acceptable toxicity and promising therapeutic outcomes.

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