New Data Regarding the Impressive Lymphoma Treatment Results


This week, June 10th – 15th, top professionals and scientists will gather in Manchester, United Kingdom for the 58th Annual Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOG) Conference.

The PTCOG is a non-profit worldwide organisation who brings together professionals who specialise in proton, light ion and heavy charged particle radiotherapy to help promote and improve the treatment of cancer.

This year, medical director, Dr Jiří Kubeš, will present new PTC patient data regarding the impressive lymphoma treatment results. Other top doctors and physicists from the PTC will also be in attendance to present their experience with proton therapy from the past six years of clinical operation and treatment of approximately 4,000 patients from all over the world.

Also being presented by professionals from Oxford University is a joint study done with the PTC on clinical intensity modulated proton therapy for Hodgkin lymphoma.

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