James’ Experience At PTC


We would like to share this note we have received from James, who has been treated here at the Proton Therapy Center for his prostate cancer.

Along this path of life, I have met many people. This Institution of the Proton Therapy Center, and even of the Bulovka Hospital, in Prague has been an experience that merits comment. For me, it primarily has to do with the demeanour and quality of the staff I have encountered at all levels. While I do not speak Czech, I have observed the interrelationships between the staff and patients, from children to adults, to be what it should be in all hospitals. There is a great respect from, between and towards both sides, I have met doctors, nurses, various disciplinary specialists, administration and ancillary staff. We have talked, they listen, they respond and any issues, from getting a cup of coffee to knowing what a specialist wishes me to do or that that person wishes to do with or to me, is resolved in a civilised manner. A mutual satisfaction is achieved and we all can procede on our own paths when we part.

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