Robert’s Prostate Cancer Story


After investigations for low testosterone, I was shocked to learn that I had prostate cancer, my family were incredibly worried about me and I quickly became anxious and stressed.

My GP referred me to the urologist who began doing tests to understand the extent of the cancer, I was then recommended for radiotherapy treatment and to monitor my PSA levels. But by this point I had already decided on proton beam therapy so I automatically declined radiotherapy.

I turned down NHS treatment as I became worried about the side-effects of standard radiotherapy which is why proton therapy appealed to me. With the lack of side-effects I knew it would be a better treatment for me. It lasted 5 fractions and exceeded my expectations, from start to finish the treatment was very professional and the team of people treating me were excellent.

Proton therapy did cause some short-term side-effects such as tiredness and a urinary tract infection, however my health now is very good and my PSA 12 weeks after treatment went from 6.1 to 0.94. I would recommend proton therapy for any male deciding on treatment for prostate cancer.

I now look at my future and it looks very positive.

Disclaimer: This patient is happy to share their story but would like to protect their identity.

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