Revolutionary technology

The Proton Therapy Center located in Prague, Czech Republic, offers the most advanced and accurate form of radiotherapy currently available. Proton beam therapy, using pencil beam scanning, allows for a precise dose to be delivered to highly complicated target volumes while sparing nearby critical organs and healthy tissue.

We’ve been serving the British community since 2012, before proton therapy became widely available in the UK. Our team is happy to offer our many years of experience to British patients who might not be able to access this advanced treatment in the UK.​ At Proton Therapy UK, we understand that travelling for treatment can be a daunting prospect and we aim to provide the highest quality of care and assistance to our patients.

Since first opening in 2012, the Prague Proton Therapy Center treated over 13.000 patients from 60 countries. All of our patients, both from the Czech Republic and abroad, consistently affirm that the treatment received, the quality of the provided healthcare, our patient-friendly approach, and the clinic’s maximum level of comfort make the Prague Proton Therapy Center a unique and trustworthy healthcare institution.

Why choose Proton Therapy UK?

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